Lil’ Missy needs a clean place to poop!

Lil’ Missy is a sweet and loving little girl, with one big problem: she doesn’t have enough litter.

That’s right, Lil’ Missy doesn’t have a clean place to poop and she is mad!

You can help Lil’ Missy by donating litter to The Kitty Momma Rescue. We desperately need your help.

When you purchase litter from our Amazon Wish List, you’re not just helping Lil’ Missy, you’re helping all the kittens at the Rescue.

With your donation, we can provide kittens with the clean litter they need to stay healthy and happy.

Call to action:

Click here to visit our Amazon Wish List and donate litter today.

Even a small donation can make a big difference. Thank you for your support, we appreciate you!

Please support our operation by purchasing litter from our Amazon Wish List